Axl Rotten Death – Drug Overdose

Axl Rotten, Dead at 44 from a heroin overdose. Photo:
1971-2016 (age 44)
Brian Knighton, known to wrestling fans as Axl Rotten, is best known for his run with ECW throughout the 90s.
Axl Rotten died from an accidental drug overdose on February 4th, 2016. He was found dead in a McDonalds bathroom in Linthicum, Maryland from a heroin overdose.
Please check back soon as we’ll be expanding on the career and death of Axl Rotten.

Axl Rotten in 2006. photo: axlrottenecw / instagram

Axl Rotten enters the ECW Arena in 1997. photo:
What are your favorite memories of Axl Rotten? Let us know in the comments below.
Other wrestlers who died in 2016 include Balls Mahoney, Blackjack Mulligan, Chyna, “Iron” Mike Sharpe, and Mr. Fuji.