20. Alberto Pérez Jiménez (La Parkita) and Alejandro Pérez Jiménez (Espectrito II aka Mini Mankind) – Age 34

alberto perez jimenez and alejandro perez jimenez

Life on the road can prove dangerous in ways besides car accidents, something wrestling brothers Alberto Pérez Jiménez and Alejandro Pérez Jiménez learned the hard way when they were waylaid by two would-be thieves. On June 29, 2009, the brothers were found dead in a Mexican motel with police piecing together clues concerning the duo’s death. Both men found success in lucha libre’s mini-estrella division with Alberto Jiménez working as La Parkita and brother Alejandro working as the luchador Espectrito II and in the WWF as “Mini-Mankind.” After an investigation, police concluded the twins had brought two prostitutes back to their hotel room, with the women secretly drugging the brothers’ drinks. Police suspect the women only intended to knock the brothers out and rob them, but the prostitutes miscalculated the dosage due to the brothers’ short stature. Ultimately apprehended, the two women were sentenced to 47 years imprisonment.