Dick the Bruiser Death

dick the bruiser death

Dick the Bruiser Death – Internal Bleeding 1929-1991 (Age 62) Richard Afflis earned his nickname “The Bruiser” while playing professional football, but he would become better known in the world of professional wrestling as “Dick the Bruiser,” a gravely-voiced fire hydrant who well, bruised his opponents. Dick the Bruiser was a regular star in the American Wrestling Association (AWA) as well as his own promotion, the World Wrestling Association (WWA). Long before “Stone Cold” Steve Austin entertained fans with his beer-drinking and brawling, there was Dick the Bruiser, a cigar-smoking, beer-drinking roughneck. Whether he wrestled in singles action, or in his famous team with the Crusher, Dick the Bruiser entertained wrestling fans wherever he laced up a pair of boots. From Green Bay Packer to Midwest Mauler Richard Afflis was born on June 27, 1929 in Lafayette, Indiana. The future wrestling legend developed a reputation for roughing up opponents on the

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