Big Daddy V Death – Heart Attack 1971-2014 (age 43) Big Daddy V was a true heavyweight in the world of professional wrestling. Standing at 6 feet, 9 inches and weighing roughly 500 pounds, the wrestler from Harlem had a big personality in and out of the ring. Known as Nelson Frazier, Jr., to friends and family, he achieved modest success in the WWE during the 1990s and in the late 2000s. Sadly, his career was cut short, as he passed away at the age of 43. The Many Faces of Big Daddy V Nelson Frazier first entered the pro wrestling scene at the age of 21 as Mabel in 1993. By 1994, he and partner Mo secured the Tag Team Championship under the moniker Men on a Mission. Although fairly cringe-worthy today, the goofy, colorful gimmick worked well with the WWF’s family-friendly image at the time. By 1995, Mabel was competing on
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