Jack Brisco Death

jack brisco dead

Jack Brisco Death – Surgery Complications 1941-2010 (Age 68) Jack Brisco distinguished himself in amateur and professional wrestling, becoming the first Native American to win the NCAA Wrestling National Championship as well as the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) World Heavyweight Championship. Brisco teamed with brother Jerry in various promotions. The pair were also part-owners of Georgia Championship Wrestling. Jack Brisco accomplished much in the wrestling industry; retiring as the business was going national. Brisco died in 2010 following complications from heart surgery. He was 68 years old. Amateur Wrestling’s First Native American NCAA Champion Jack Brisco was born Freddie Joe Brisco on September 21, 1941, just months before America entered the Second World War. The Blackwell, Oklahoma native proved a capable amateur wrestler in high school, winning two state wrestling titles. Brisco was an accomplished football player as well and was offered a football scholarship at the University of Oklahoma.

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Outlaw Ron Bass Death

outlaw ron bass

Outlaw Ron Bass Death – Burst Appendix, Surgery Complications 1948-2017 (Age 68) “Outlaw” Ron Bass, real name Ronald Heard, died on March 7, 2017 at age 68. In the days prior to his death, Heard suffered from a burst appendix, leaving him hospitalized. Sadly, he did not make it out of Tampa General, passing away from surgery complications. Remembering the Outlaw With a burly physique, menacing handlebar moustache, cowboy hat, and signature bull whip, aptly named Miss Betsy, Bass was equipped with everything necessary to get him over as a heel in the 70s and 80s. Contrary to his heel gimmick, friends of Heard spoke highly of his character outside the ring. Lanny Poffo, brother of the late Macho Man Randy Savage told the Tampa Bay Times “he wasn’t really a bad guy, he was one of the good guys. He will be missed.” Gerald Brisco added “he had a heart

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Pink the Clown Death

pink the clown wwe

Pink the Clown Death – Surgery Complications 1973-2012 (Age 39) Richard Trogdon may not be a household name in wrestling circles, but Ric, as he was known to friends and family, played a part in a well known storyline during the WWF’s New Generation era. Trogdon wrestled as “Pink”. Pink, along with Dink and Wink, was one of three dwarf wrestlers who accompanied Doink the Clown to the ring in 1994. The group took part in a comedy-driven feud with Jerry “The King” Lawler and his “Royal Family” which consisted of three dwarf sidekicks – Queasy, Sleazy, and Cheesy, respectively. 1994 Survivor Series Richard Trogdon’s portrayal of one of Doink’s sidekicks, Pink, culminated at the 1994 Survivor Series. Dubbed Clowns R’ Us, the quartet consisting of Doink the Clown and his sidekicks Pink, Dink, and Wink, took on The Royal Family. The Royal Family got the win at Survivor Series,

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