Uncle Elmer Death – Kidney Failure 1937-1992 (Age 54) Best known for his work as “Uncle Elmer” during his run alongside Hillbilly Jim, Cousin Luke, and Cousin Junior, big man Stanley Frazier wrestled in the south, including a run in Memphis wrestling where he worked under a variety of aliases. Plagued by diabetes, Frazier died at the age of 54, but he left a lasting impression on fans who grew up watching the WWF during the height of the Rock-n-Wrestling Era. Southern Stardom Stan Frazier’s wrestling career dates back to the 1960’s when he enraged fans with his brutal beatdowns of babyfaces as the masked man known as “The Convict.” While Frazier was never considered a gifted worker, his size and weight (6’10” and 400 or more lbs.) made him an imposing presence in the ring. One memorable program was his feud with Bobo Brazil, with Frazier having the distinction of
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