Nicole Bass Death – Stroke 1964-2017 (age 52) Nicole Bass died on Friday, February 17th, 2017. She was 52. Earlier this week, Meltzer reported that she had suffered from a stroke. Apparently she was unable to recover. Bass was a professional bodybuilder before transitioning to wrestling. Nicole Bass Wrestling Career First getting her feet wet in ECW, Nicole would eventually make her way to the WWE by 1999. Even with limited wrestling ability, Bass came along at the right time and right place in the WWE’s booming Attitude era. Debra was expecting to take on Sable in an Evening Gown match on the 3/5/99 episode of Raw… instead, she got Nicole Bass Armed with a unique look, the WWE was hoping to strike gold twice, essentially booking Bass as a carbon copy of Chyna – a dominant female who could hang with the boys. Chyna was of course a rousing success for the WWE.
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