Stu Hart Death – Stroke 1915-2003 (age 88) If there was ever a name to be synonymous with Canadian wrestling, it’s Stu Hart. Father to WWE superstars Bret and Owen Hart, Stu was born in Saskatoon in 1915. In 1948, Stu Hart created the Stampede Wrestling promotion out of Calgary. Stu Hart is not only credited with training his sons, but also other well known Canadian names including Chris Jericho, Edge, Christian, and Chris Benoit. Stu Hart died on October 16, 2003. He had suffered a stroke in the weeks prior, and was also battling diabetes and arthritis. For 2010’s ceremony, Stu Hart was posthumously inducted into his rightful place in the WWE Hall of Fame. He was inducted by son, Bret Hart. Stu Hart Grave Stu Hart’s memorial is located at Eden Brook Memorial Gardens in Calgary. The plot is located at the Garden of Angels, Structure 88, Niche 1059.
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