Earthquake Death – Bladder Cancer 1963-2006 (age 42) Some wrestlers love being adored by fans; others seem to thrive on their hate. Such was the case with Earthquake, a former sumo wrestler who earned the distinction of being awarded the title of “Most Hated Wrestler of the Year” by Pro Wrestling Illustrated in 1990. During his career, Earthquake, known to family and friends as John Tenta, also won the Rookie of the Year Award from Tokyo Sports and the World Wrestling Federation’s Tag Team Championship with Typhoon. Easily spotted by his blue, yellow and black singlet and his massive 6-foot, 7-inch, 468-pound frame, Earthquake never failed to bring action to the ring. Sadly, the Earthquake death story started in his prime and took his life much too soon. A Cancer Diagnosis Begins the Earthquake Death Story In 2004, the Canadian professional wrestler shared with fans that he was suffering from bladder cancer. This form
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